Anal August

Anal August is an opportunity to celebrate and explore the anus, with its delicate nerve endings that connect directly to both women’s G-spot (which may lead to orgasms) and men’s prostate gland (which may trigger orgasms). Lube and barrier methods should always be utilized during anal play, whether using your penis, dildo, or something else! Don’t be intimidated if anything makes you or your partner feel uncomfortable – find what works for both of you and discover what works for both of you!

Some may argue that anal play is unnatural due to the design of the rectum for waste disposal and vagina as a space for vigorous thrusting during intercourse and childbirth. This logic stems from homophobia and makes no sense: It would not be natural for straight men or gay people alike to avoid anal pleasure, nor to fear accusations that they may be considered “unnatural”.

Anal pleasure doesn’t need to be taboo, and can even be anorexic! Water or silicone lube is recommended when beginning anal play for optimal results, while body butter or oil is useful in providing extra relaxation and comfort for skin soothing purposes. Warm towels or pillows may be used to relax muscles during this activity as well. Anal pleasure doesn’t necessarily involve penetration – simply resting your hand near, on, or around your anus; gently stroking; pegging are all forms of anal pleasure – dominance or submission may all equal enjoyment; in fact adult toy retailer Good Vibrations has declared August as “Annal Pleasure Month”, raising awareness about this often forgotten pleasure!