Anal Stroker

Anal Stroker

Strokers are masturbatory toys used to stimulate anal sensitivity and pleasure. You can use strokers either alone or during sex with someone else; which one you choose depends on your budget and desired level of stimulation. Most anal strokers feature both vibrating or non-vibrating capabilities; those without bases can often be operated independently with your favorite lube for closer replica of hand or blowjob sensations. Some strokers feature ribbed internal textures while others provide smooth and gentle stroking experiences.

Experts advise opting for a quality brand and considering your price point when selecting an anal stroker. More sophisticated models may offer extra features such as vibratory pulses, heat settings and more – even controlling them via app for enhanced sexual satisfaction with your partner!

Tenga’s Egg stroker is an inexpensive yet discreet and easy-to-clean entry-level prostate toy that’s great for discreet play and cleaning, with soft yet firm interior ribbed surfaces that feel supple against your touch while its firmer outer sleeve offers support and stimulation. Also popular among entry-level users is Fun Factory Manta Vibrating Stroker which uses its rotating, ribbed sleeves for maximum stimulation of testicles, nipples, and anal areas at once!

No matter which anal stroker you select, make sure that it’s used with water-based lube for optimal results. While it may take some practice sessions before finding your groove with it, that’s all part of the fun! Also be sure to store it somewhere cool and dry between sessions in order to prevent reactions with other materials or indentations or staining on its surface.