Anal With Dog Porn

Anal With Dog Porn

Alice was 12 years old when she and her dad took their dog for a stroll through the forest. Wearing only her pink skirt without undergarment underneath, Alice felt very aroused while moving her bottom with every step. Meanwhile, her father closely observed their stroll, wondering what his big anal would feel like pressing against its top surface.

When an aroused dog becomes excited, their head starts releasing a thin fluid that tastes of iron and has the consistency of water from their cock. This anal lube makes it easier for their knot to enter tight anal holes on female bodies.

Julie had noticed the slimy tip of the dog’s penis was gently pressing against the top of her anal ring, so she leaned back and pulled it close, giving herself time to become deeply immersed in his big cock. His hot scent drifted through into her tight anal ring as Julie eagerly sucked at it eagerly.

Making love to a dog is much more thrilling than making love with another human – their tongues can reach areas that cannot be reached by other methods, which often makes anal sex with a canine much more rewarding! Many women find anal sex far superior to vaginal sex! And who could disagree!