Cow Anal is the separation or tear of rectal mucosa that protrudes externally past the anus, usually as a result of straining from straining from Tenesmus associated with Coccidiosis and Colitis; Dyuria associated with cystitis, Urolithiasis, Dystocia or Neoplasia; Neuropathy due to estrus being “ridden down”, spinal lymphoma treatment or epidural alcohol block use; or ingestion of high estrogenic compounds predisposing larger animals to rectal prolapse due to tail docking or feedlot conditions. Tenesmus and hemorrhage are some of its hallmarks – its most evident manifestation. Tenesmus and hemorrhage are obvious symptoms; Tenesmus being one. Hemorrhage are amongst its symptoms while Hemorrhage another.
Partial tears may be managed with close monitoring and administration of fecal softeners; full-thickness tears generally require surgical repair.