Gay Dog Anal
A male dog’s penis connects to erectile tissue at its base but otherwise floats within a sheath of common skin on its belly. When excited, his penis may begin to “show pink,” lengthen slightly and angle downwards / away from him. Once this occurs he may mount either another male dog or even human and probe with its exposed erectile tissue before eventually producing (ejaculating) to cleanse and lubricate his urethra as well as probe with his probed spot.
Some dogs may appear exclusively gay, but most animal species display both heterosexual and homosexual behaviors at various points during their lives. Animals tend to demonstrate more homophobic tendencies during stressful situations like when their partner becomes ill or injured.
At times, dogs’ anal glands can become blocked. Manual expression is recommended by vets or experienced pet owners using clean gloves to manually express fluid from both glands at once, until both glands have been empty of fluid and cleaned with a sanitary wipe afterword. Supplementing diet with high fiber foods may help alleviate bloating and gassiness caused by manual expression and increased anal lubrication; however it may take time for anal glands to heal after manual expression has taken place.