How to Express Your Dog’s Anal Sex

Dogs possess glands in their rear ends called anal sacs that contain glandular fluid that creates a unique scent marker on your dog’s poop surface, similar to a fingerprint or signature that tells other dogs about sex, approximate age, health status and more. Most often these anal sacs will empty themselves during bowel movements; however they can sometimes become overfilled and cause blockages which must be cleared manually by you or another dog owner.

If your dog is scooting across the floor or scratching at their rear end, they could be trying to empty out their anal glands – this can be painful and lead to infection – if overflowing occurs, you’ll probably notice blood coming out from under their bum as well as purulent and bloody discharge from near their anus.

Veterinary exams and digital rectal exams can help your veterinarian assess if your dog needs their anal glands expressed, by identifying whether they are overly full. Your veterinarian will then prescribe treatment such as manual expression.

Help your dog express its anal glands by using KY Jelly or similar lubricant on your index finger and inserting it between their anus and tail. Hold them still while doing this process if necessary – some dogs may require sedation as part of this routine process. It is vitally important that regular expression of these glands takes place so your pup has healthy stool.