Doggy Anal Knot If your pet is licking, biting, chewing on their anus area more frequently or scooting more than usual it could be an indicator that their anal glands have become malfunctioning. Anal glands – commonly referred to as anal sacs or secretory glands – produce foul-smelling fluid which is released during defecation to lubricate feces as they pass. They may also produce the “fishy” smell commonly known as anal gland spray when excited or distressed and create what is often known as an “anal gland spray”.
Normal anal gland drainage occurs during each bowel movement; however, occasionally too thick of fluid must be expressed, or bacteria has invaded and caused an anal gland to become blocked with pus resulting in pain and discomfort for your dog. If left impacted for too long this process could end in rupture resulting in pain and discomfort to your animal.
Anal glands can be expressed at home by placing a washcloth over your dog’s rectal opening to avoid accidental squirting, then gently pressing over each anal gland from its bottom up, beginning from below and working up toward its surface to squeeze out fluid from underneath. Repeat this three times daily until infection resolves or consult with your veterinarian who will perform minor surgical treatment to lance (drain) an abscess and provide antibiotics; sedation may be necessary depending on its size and cause of discomfort for effective draining an abscess lance(drainage/drainage/supplement).