As any dog owner knows, your pups can be highly sexual, as evidenced by anal discharge. As with human sexuality, understanding the difference between sexual play and an impactful anal gland requires professional veterinary intervention.
Anal glands (or perianal glands), often referred to as perianal glands, are fluid-filled sacs found on the lower rectum of most mammals and composed of sebaceous and apocrine glands which secrete fatty secretions with an identifiable fishy, metallic scent. Anal glands play an integral part of urinary tract function by helping control fecal continence; however they may become inflamed or blocked from time to time with waste matter.
The glands are protected by involuntary smooth muscle, including the internal anal sphincter, as well as voluntary striated muscles in the external anal sphincter that have an involuntary grip around its opening to maintain continence of fecal contents.
Though dogs may demonstrate homosexual behavior such as mounting (dominance displays) and oral sex, there’s no indication they prefer partners of the same sex. Male dogs may even engage in anal penetrations with other male dogs – something this Tennessee man believed he saw happening.
An impacted anal gland can be quite uncomfortable for your dog and should be assessed immediately by a veterinarian to prevent abscessing or burst, both which require surgical removal. You can prevent anal gland impaction by adding bone roughage or soluble fiber supplements to their diet for several days; otherwise if the gland has become severely inflamed it must be manually expressed by either you or a vet before treatment can begin.