Dog Anal Creampie A dog’s anal glands produce an unique scent which acts as a territorial marker, prompting dogs to sniff each other’s poop as an indicator. Furthermore, anals regulate stool consistency and eliminate toxins.
Anal glands of dogs can easily become full or even impacted due to not being regularly emptied with every bowel movement, leading to itching and pain around the anal area, as well as hard brown material accumulating near its opening causing discomfort for affected pups. Impacted anal glands can even lead to moderate-severe pain in affected animals.
Dogs suffering from anal irritation or impaction often attempt to relieve their discomfort by biting and/or scooting their bum, but this only makes matters worse by further irritating glands that need to be drained of fluids. This makes egress more challenging.
Fearful owners often hesitate to express their dogs’ anal glands due to potential discomfort or bloody messiness, but you shouldn’t be. Take your pet into your lap, apply some lubricant, and milk out its contents by applying pressure gently but steadily over a small area until no contents remain visible; repeat on both sides.